a reimagined eclectic apartment on a sunny island

Getting Entry Out of the Way

  • Eclectic
  • HDB (Maisonette)
  • ≥1,500 sqft
  • 4 br
  • Couple Living
  • We flirted briefly with the idea of having a dedicated entryway or foyer area but eventually decided against it - to avoid blocking light and airflow. This photo contains 2 fun facts about our apartment: 1. The main door is the only wooden door we have in our place but it is ironically wrapped in a gruffly cement-look laminate. 2. The main door frame is the only thing we retained from the past as the contractor told us that it is still in good condition and of better quality than whatever we can get in the market nowadays. We originally intended to have storage cabinets under the sliding windows but are glad that we took them out in a bid to save carpentry costs. The space feels airier and not so constrained as a result.
  • The open shelves were originally supposed to be diagonal to avoid hindering human flow when walking up and down the stairs and being a safety hazard. Thanks to the ID’s intern, we were able to increase the footprint of our display shelves by having rounded corners without compromising safety concerns.
  • The Wife expressed an interest in rattan as a material choice and was keen to incorporate it into our carpentry. Given the porous nature of weaved rattan, the most logical place to utilise it was our shoe cabinet, where ventilation is of importance. The arch design of the shoe cabinet - together with the matte blue laminate - blends perfectly with the weaved rattan to give it an old-school feel in an updated look.
  • 7 August 2023
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