Clutter Free And Cozy Living Room

  • Couple Living with Kids
  • 3 br
  • HDB (BTO)
  • ~1,200 sqft
  • Urban Modern
  • Welcome to our living room where we spend most of the time together as a family. Staying clutter free is our ultimate goal but it seems unachievable at times with a toddler around.
  • To stay clutter free and achieve a consistent design throughout the house, we have decided to customize the TV console and feature wall. It is certainly not cost effective to build both as carpentry is ridiculously expensive nowadays. However, we feel that the feature wall elevates the entire mood of the house and most importantly, conceal the unsightly cables. Alternatively, future home owners can consider building a partition wall and limewash it. This way it can achieve a similar effect at a lower cost.
  • One of the features that we like is rounded edge as it brings a sense of softness and fluidity to the space, creating a calm and inviting atmosphere. For our curtain, we went for ripple fold instead of pleated curtain. Ripple fold curtain will be mounted from the ceiling and the look creates an illusion of a heightened ceiling though it is still the standard 2.6m height.
  • This is one of the favorite features of our house. The initial idea is to have a dry pantry at the back of the sofa but we feel that it will consume quite a fair bit of space so we abort the idea.
  • The dry pantry idea was eventually replaced with the display arch. It is a centerpiece of our house and it turns out to be a photo taking hotspot for relatives and friends.
  • 30 September 2023
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