4-rm resale — a woody home with pop of colours we find cute

$1k vs $10 Study Room

  • Japandi
  • HDB (Resale)
  • ~1,000 sqft
  • 3 br
  • Couple Living
  • If you can't tell so far, the husband and I really focuses alot on arrangements that are practical than aesthetic. This table arrangement is also how his table looks like most days - neat and empty! But getting an Everdesk was a decision 6 months in the making. He finally decided on it after seeing that his job allows for hybrid arrangments and WFH is the norm. Likewise for his chair, it is ergonomic and sturdy!
  • However, his table arrangement still tells alot about his personality - neat and geek. LOL and yes he changes up his keyboards once in awhile. Why do men need so many keyboards?! Apparently there are ways to describe the sounds too. For one, he prefers it to be ~creamy~
  • Another thing is, the only decoration he allows are his anime figures. I've no idea who the characters are but it makes him happy LOL.
  • We share the study room with the rabbits too. The husband mainly WFHs but he's never alone. The two black bunnies we have keeps him tickled with their random antics at times! Fun fact: their sleeping timings follows their humans, so in the way when nobody disturbs them they'll usually clock in some deep sleep and the husband loves to snap their half-dead sleeping positions.
  • As for me? Here's my $10 study table which I love. I can never stay seated on a proper chair so I gave both my ergonomic chair and study table to my parents before moving over LOL. I also have to go to "office" during office hours so this $10 one will do for now.
  • 30 April
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