A home that took lotsa of our time, sweat and leg muscle to build it up.

A journey of self-discovery and home renovation journey

  • Eclectic
  • HDB (BTO)
  • ~1,000 sqft
  • 3 br
  • Couple Living
  • The beginning of all renovation journey probably starts with scrolling through social media platforms such as Pinterest, IGs and many other renovation platforms like Hipvan for ideas that caught one's attention and saving them into your Archive List.
  • And right about 12 months before the key collection, it time to bring out this Archive Chest box and go through them again. By the time, your design preference could probably change by then. Concurrently, it will be good to start engaging IDs that you interested to work with and go through the layout with them. Through these visits to the different IDs, you will get your exposed to more design ideas. As you get yourself involved, you will have a better understanding of your preference and design concept of your future home.
  • From here, you will probably have a better idea whether any of the IDs is able to meet your expectations or you can take this into your own hands. Either way, start early and enjoy the process. Remember that no renovation is smooth, and every experience is special.
  • 4 August
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