1475sqft home in the east | Cosy vibes!

Entryway: We warmly invite you in!

  • Scandinavian
  • HDB (Resale)
  • ~1,400 sqft
  • 3 br
  • Couple Living
  • Hello there again, today we will be introducing our entryway to everyone!
  • On the metal gate is our Ring Doorbell that we got from Australia. We sourced it for awhile and realised that getting it from Australia will be cheaper as compared to Singapore Shopee. Thankfully we have a friend staying there and she helped us bring these back while being back for holiday! So we purposely sealed off the foyer area because we don't want peeping eyes looking into the living room area and Mr's museum room. We also sealed off the window at this part of the house (kinda a bit regretting this) but we did it because we are afraid that constant sunlight will cause the statues/toys to discolour. It's always dark this area but thankfully there's light shining in from the service yard window.
  • Jumping right into our carpentry, at the bottom side, there is actually a recess area and we decided to use this space to build a shoe cabinet. We were actually provided 1 shelf board by my ID's carpenter and Mrs requested for 2 more so that we can fit more shoes & for our future kids. Thankfully almost every carpentry that needed to be adjusted was made with adjustable track so we can easily adjust to whichever height we like!
  • Here is another shoe cabinet right beside the previous one but this cabinet was build at a right angle. This was done to not waste any space and because we build the other carpentry. We also requested for another shelf so as that we can fit more shoes here. Everything we planned always falls into consideration for our future kids! HAHA
  • This is part of the taller carpentry area and was taken when we first moved in. At this point of time, we were waiting for my ID to provide us with more hinges so that we can put the other board up to its proper level. We didn't take any photos now because it is very messy (ops), especially after the wedding. This carpentry area is used to house our DB Box, modem, robot vacuum, more shoes and other household related items like batteries, etc. We chose to build this because we hacked away our storeroom and don't have a proper area to store our items as of now. In the future, we will keep revamping this space so keep your eyes peeled!
  • We keep a random bunch of items here and maybe you can call it the huat-zone? HAHA I guess just so happen we put all the "lucky cat" items together that we got from different places. The lucky cat was given to us by our friend when she went to Taiwan. Oh, the mushroom that has the word 'Rich!' and the pair of mofusand was also bought in taiwan when we went for our mini-moon! The Alien was given to us by our ID and the two lucky cat at the front was bought in JB actually! HAHA
  • And yes, near our entryway, upon entering the house, you'll be able to see a life size toy standing there welcoming you! This is created by Mighty Jaxx x Juce Gace and they actually have other collaborations together. This was bought by Mr awhile ago when he was still living with his parents but sadly couldn't display them because of the limited space.
  • And this is how our entryway looks like in the night and when it toys free! HAHA I really love how the LED strip is bright enough to illuminate this space and create a inviting and warm space! That's all for now and we hope you like our post or leave us a comment! Have a blessed week!
  • 23 January
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