A home that took lotsa of our time, sweat and leg muscle to build it up.

The workspace need not be so dull

  • Eclectic
  • HDB (BTO)
  • ~1,000 sqft
  • 3 br
  • Couple Living
  • In the study/work area, where dull and boring work activities are ongoing, we wanted a space that reflects the total opposite of it. A space that not only provide the jovial mood, but also a space that allows us to reflect our personality. The creation of the corner shelving allowed us to place all our beloved decoration and collections.
  • At the left side of the study room, we introduced bright colour poster with specific message to brighten up the room and also remind ourselves to always take a break. A small desk lamp is added to add character to the whole workspace.
  • A faux green pottery is added to relax our eyes and also balance out the strong colours of our wall and poster.
  • To personalize a space with your character, you can add in poster with the right colours and message. For example, a poster with message reminding you to rest in a workspace or a poster with message on food in the dining/kitchen space.
  • 15 February
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